Ton Sarno, Chair
Pavilion Rental Committee
Cindy Battreall, Chair
Rules and Regulations Committee
David Janecek
Jack Waltzer
This committee is responsible for reviewing and recommending to the Board of Directors for changes and updates/deletions to the Rules and Regulations.
Public Health/Pumphouse Committee
Pat McGuinness - Chair
Real Estate Committee
Tom Duffy, Co-Chair
Real Estate Committee oversees the review and approval process of all applications for alterations/renovations, by ensuring that all property line clearances, plot plans, building plans, height of structures, etc., are in compliance with the Rules and Regulations of Vail's Grove Cooperative, Inc.
Recreation/Social Committee
Juliann Salerno Chair
Sunshine Committee
Sue Enos, Chair
The mission of the committee is to express the sympathy or condolences of the Cooperative and its Stockholders, to all those who are ill or have suffered the loss of a loved one and to welcome new babies to the Grove.
Welcome Committee
Denise Andrews, Chair
The mission of this committee is to welcome new Stockholders with a basket of welcoming treats, phone directory, area information, etc. The response to these new "welcomes" has been wonderful.